Lindsay Ell Documents Health Scare & Surgery in New “PSA” Video

Curtis Hillbun

Lindsay Ell Documents Health Scare & Surgery in New “PSA” Video

“Go book a doctor’s appointed.”

That’s the advice Lindsday Ell shares in her recent What the Ell? vlog that chronicles her surgery to have pre-cancerous cells removed on Feb. 28.

The abnormality was diagnosed during a routine doctor’s checkup a couple of weeks ago. Lindsay’s vlog serves as an unofficial PSA to go get a checkup.

“Getting an annual checkup can be the difference to saving your life and catching something early—you honestly never know,” says Lindsay.

Lindsay heads to Australia on March 14 for eight shows through March 26, before making a stop in New Zealand on March 26 and Japan on March 30.

Watch Lindsay’s new vlog below.


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